Collaborative Stage for TNM 7 - Revised 08/24/2011  [ Schema ]


CS Lymph Nodes

CodeDescriptionTNM 7 MapTNM 6 MapSS77 MapSS2000 Map
000No regional lymph node involvementN0N0NONENONE
010Isolated tumor cells (ITCs) only^N0NONENONE
100Regional lymph nodes (unilateral or bilateral):
    Iliac, NOS:
        Internal (hypogastric), NOS:
    Inguinal, NOS:
        Deep inguinal, NOS:
            Node of Cloquet or Rosenmuller (highest deep inguinal)
        Superficial inguinal (femoral)
    Pelvic nodes in contiguous or secondary nodal basin (see Note 2)
    Regional lymph node(s), NOS
310Evaluated clinically:

Clinically stated as N1 with no other information on regional lymph nodes
320Evaluated pathologically:

Pathologically stated as N1a with no other information on regional lymph nodes
340Evaluated pathologically:

Pathologically stated as N1b with no other information on regional lymph nodes
350Evaluated pathologically:

Pathologically stated as N1 [NOS] with no other information on regional lymph nodes
360Stated as N1 [NOS} with no information on pathologic or clinical evaluation^N1RNRN
390Satellite nodule(s) or in-transit metastasis
AND distance from primary tumor less than or equal to 2 cm
WITHOUT regional lymph node involvement or involvement of regional lymph nodes not stated


Described as tumor with satellite nodule(s), NOS
WITHOUT regional lymph node involvement
400Satellite nodule(s) or in-transit metastasis
AND distance from primary tumor greater than 2 cm or distance not stated
WITHOUT regional lymph node involvement or involvement of regional lymph nodes not stated


Described as tumor with in-transit metastasis, NOS
WITHOUT regional lymph node involvement
(See Note 2)
420400 + 100

Satellite nodule(s) or in-transit metastasis
WITH regional lymph nodes listed in code 100
(See Note 2)
450Stated as N2 with no other information on regional lymph nodesN2N1RERE
800Lymph nodes, NOSN1NOSN1RNRN
999Unknown; regional lymph nodes not stated
Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
Not documented in patient record