Collaborative Stage Data Set - Revised 05/31/2011 FINAL
Code | Description | TNM 7 Map | TNM 6 Map | SS77 Map | SS2000 Map |
000 | In situ: noninfiltrating; intraepithelial Intraductal WITHOUT infiltration Lobular neoplasia | Tis | Tis | IS | IS |
050 | Paget disease of nipple WITHOUT underlying tumor | Tis | Tis | ** | ** |
070 | Paget Disease disease of nipple WITHOUT underlying invasive carcinoma pathologically | Tis | Tis | ** | ** |
100 | Confined to breast tissue and fat including nipple and/or areola Localized, NOS | ^ | * | L | L |
110 | Stated as T1mi with no other information on extension | ^ | * | L | L |
120 | Stated as T1a with no other information on extension | ^ | * | L | L |
130 | Stated as T1b with no other information on extension | ^ | * | L | L |
140 | Stated as T1c with no other information on extension | ^ | * | L | L |
170 | Stated as T1 [NOS] with no other information on extension or size | T1NOS | T1NOS | L | L |
180 | Stated as T2 with no other information on extension or size | T2 | T2 | L | L |
190 | Stated as T3 with no other information on extension or size | T3 | T3 | L | L |
200 | Invasion of subcutaneous tissue Local infiltration of dermal lymphatics adjacent to primary tumor involving skin by direct extension Skin infiltration of primary breast including skin of nipple and/or areola | ^ | * | RE | RE |
300 | Attachment or fixation to pectoral muscle(s) or underlying tissue Deep fixation Invasion of (or fixation to) pectoral fascia or muscle | ^ | * | RE | RE |
380 | OBSOLETE DATA CONVERTED V0203 See code 790 Stated as T4 [NOS] with no other information on extension | ERROR | ERROR | ERROR | ERROR |
390 | OBSOLETE DATA CONVERTED V0203 See code 410 Stated as T4a with no other information on extension | ERROR | ERROR | ERROR | ERROR |
400 | Invasion of (or fixation to): Chest wall Intercostal or serratus anterior muscle(s) Rib(s) See codes 610 (obsolete), 612-615, and 620 (obsolete) for combinations with this code | T4a | T4a | RE | RE |
410 | Stated as T4a with no other information on extension | T4a | T4a | RE | RE |
510 | OBSOLETE DATA RETAINED V0200 Extensive skin involvement, including: Satellite nodule(s) in skin of primary breast Ulceration of skin of breast Any of the following conditions described as involving not more than 50% of the breast, or amount or percent of involvement not stated: Edema of skin En cuirasse Erythema Inflammation of skin Peau d'orange ("pigskin") | ERROR | T4b | RE | RE |
512 | Extensive skin involvement, including: Satellite nodule(s) in skin of primary breast Ulceration of skin of breast | T4b | T4b | RE | RE |
514 | Any of the following conditions described as involving less than one-third (33%) of the breast WITHOUT a stated diagnosis of inflammatory carcinoma WITH or WITHOUT dermal lymphatic infiltration: Edema of skin En cuirasse Erythema Inflammation of skin Peau d'orange ("pigskin") | T4b | T4b | RE | RE |
516 | 514 + 512 | T4b | T4b | RE | RE |
518 | Any of the following conditions described as involving one third (33%) or more but less than or equal to half (50%) of the breast WITHOUT a stated diagnosis of inflammatory carcinoma WITH or WITHOUT dermal lymphatic infiltration: Edema of skin En cuirasse Erythema Inflammation of skin Peau d'orange ("pigskin") | T4b | T4b | RE | RE |
519 | 518 + 512 | T4b | T4b | RE | RE |
520 | Any of the following conditions described as involving more than 50% of the breast WITHOUT a stated diagnosis of inflammatory carcinoma WITH or WITHOUT dermal lymphatic infiltration: Edema of skin En cuirasse Erythema Inflammation of skin Peau d'orange ("pigskin") | T4b | T4b | RE | RE |
575 | 520 + 512 | T4b | T4b | RE | RE |
580 | Any of the following conditions with amount or percent of breast involvement not stated and WITHOUT a stated diagnosis of inflammatory carcinoma WITH or WITHOUT dermal lymphatic infiltration: Edema of skin En cuirasse Erythema Inflammation of skin Peau d'orange ("pigskin") | T4b | T4b | RE | RE |
585 | 580 + 512 | T4b | T4b | RE | RE |
590 | OBSOLETE DATA CONVERTED V0203 See code 605 Stated as T4b with no other information on extension | ERROR | ERROR | ERROR | ERROR |
600 | Diagnosis of inflammatory carcinoma WITH a clinical description of inflammation, erythema, edema, peau d'orange, etc., involving less than one-third (33%) of the skin of the breast, WITH or WITHOUT dermal lymphatic infiltration | T4b | T4d | RE | RE |
605 | Stated as T4b with no other information on extension | T4b | T4b | RE | RE |
610 | OBSOLETE DATA RETAINED V0200 (400) + (510) | ERROR | T4c | RE | RE |
612 | Any of (512-516) + 400 | T4c | T4c | RE | RE |
613 | Any of (518-519) + 400 | T4c | T4c | RE | RE |
615 | Any of (520-585) + 400 | T4c | T4c | RE | RE |
620 | OBSOLETE DATA RETAINED V0200 (400) + (520) | ERROR | T4c | RE | RE |
680 | Stated as T4c with no other information on extension | T4c | T4c | RE | RE |
710 | OBSOLETE DATA RETAINED V0200 Diagnosis of inflammatory carcinoma WITH a clinical description of inflammation, erythema, edema, peau d'orange, etc., involving not more than 50% of the skin of the breast, WITH or WITHOUT dermal lymphatic infiltration Inflammatory carcinoma, NOS Previous wording (V0100): Diagnosis of inflammatory carcinoma WITHOUT a clinical description of inflammation, erythema, edema, peau d'orange, etc., of more than 50% of the breast, WITH or WITHOUT dermal lymphatic infiltration Inflammatory carcinoma, NOS | ERROR | T4d | RE | RE |
715 | OBSOLETE DATA RETAINED V0202 Diagnosis of inflammatory carcinoma WITH a clinical description of inflammation, erythema, edema, peau d'orange, etc., involving not more than one-third (33%) of the skin of the breast, WITH or WITHOUT dermal lymphatic infiltration | T4b | T4d | RE | RE |
720 | OBSOLETE DATA CONVERTED V0102 Description: Diagnosis of inflammatory carcinoma WITH a clinical diagnosis of inflammation, erythema, edema, peau d'orange, etc., of not more than 50% of the breast, WITH or WITHOUT dermal lymphatic infiltration Inflammatory carcinoma, NOS NOTE: Code 720 has been combined with code 710. Any cases coded to 720 should be re-coded to code 710. Previous wording (V0100): Diagnosis of inflammatory carcinoma WITH a clinical description of inflammation, erythema, edema, peau d'orange, etc. of LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 50% of the breast, WITH or WITHOUT dermal lymphatic infiltration | ERROR | ERROR | ERROR | ERROR |
725 | Diagnosis of inflammatory carcinoma WITH a clinical description of inflammation, erythema, edema, peau d'orange, etc., involving one-third (33%) or more but less than or equal to one-half (50%) of the skin of the breast, WITH or WITHOUT dermal lymphatic infiltration | T4d | T4d | RE | RE |
730 | Diagnosis of inflammatory carcinoma WITH a clinical description of inflammation, erythema, edema, peau d'orange, etc., involving more than one-half (50%) of the skin of the breast, WITH or WITHOUT dermal lymphatic infiltration | T4d | T4d | RE | RE |
750 | Diagnosis of inflammatory carcinoma WITH a clinical description of inflammation, erythema, edema, peau d'orange, etc., but percent of involvement not stated, WITH or WITHOUT dermal lymphatic infiltration. Note: If percentage is known, code to 600, 725, or 730. Diagnosis of inflammatory carcinoma WITHOUT a clinical description of inflammation, erythema, edema, peau d'orange, etc., WITH or WITHOUT dermal lymphatic infiltration Inflammatory carcinoma, NOS | T4d | T4d | RE | RE |
780 | Stated as T4d with no other information on extension | T4d | T4d | RE | RE |
790 | Stated as T4 [NOS] with no other information on extension | T4NOS | T4NOS | RE | RE |
950 | No evidence of primary tumor | T0 | T0 | U | U |
999 | Unknown; extension not stated Primary tumor cannot be assessed Not documented in patient record | TX | TX | U | U |