Collaborative Stage Data Set - Revised 08/07/2013 FINAL


CS Lymph Nodes

CodeDescriptionTNM 7 MapTNM 6 MapSS77 MapSS2000 Map
000No regional lymph node involvementN0N0NONENONE
010Isolated tumor cells (ITCs) only^N0NONENONE
100SINGLE superficial inguinal (femoral) regional lymph node
SINGLE inguinal node, NOS (unknown if superficial or deep)
110Evaluated clinically:

Clinically stated as N1 with no other information on regional lymph nodes
120Evaluated pathologically:

Pathologically stated as N1a with no other information on regional lymph nodes
140Evaluated pathologically:

Pathologically stated as N1b with no other information on regional lymph nodes
150Evaluated pathologically:

Pathologically stated as N1 [NOS] with no other information on regional lymph nodes
160Stated as N1 [NOS] with no information on pathologic or clinical evaluation^N1RNRN
200MULTIPLE or BILATERAL superficial inguinal (femoral) regional lymph nodes
MULTIPLE or BILATERAL inguinal nodes, NOS (unknown if superficial or deep)
300Regional lymph node:
    Deep inguinal, NOS:
        Node of Cloquet or Rosenmuller (highest deep inguinal)
400Pelvic lymph nodes (unilateral or bilateral):
    External iliac
    Internal iliac (hypogastric):
    Pelvic nodes in contiguous or secondary nodal basin (see Note 3)
    Pelvic nodes, NOS
410Satellite nodule(s) or in transit metastasis, distance from primary tumor less than or equal to 2 cm or distance not stated
WITHOUT regional lymph node involvement.  Includes cases with ITCs only and cases with regional lymph node involvement not stated


Described as tumor with satellite nodule(s), NOS
WITHOUT regional lymph node involvement or regional lymph node involvement not stated
(See Note 4)
420Satellite nodule(s) or in transit metastasis, distance from primary tumor greater than 2cm
WITHOUT regional lymph node involvement.  Includes cases with ITCs only and cases with regional lymph node involvement not stated


Described as tumor with in transit metastasis, NOS
WITHOUT regional lymph node involvement or regional lymph node involvement not stated
(See Note 4)
440420 + 100

Satellite nodule(s) or in transit metastasis
WITH regional lymph nodes listed in code 100
(See Note 4)
460420 + 200

Satellite nodule(s) or in transit metastasis
WITH regional lymph nodes listed in code 200
(See Note 4)
480420 + (300 or 400)

Satellite nodule(s) or in-transit metastasis
WITH regional lymph nodes listed in codes 300 or 400
(See Note 4)
500Regional lymph node(s), NOS^N1RNRN
520Satellite nodule(s) or in transit metastasis
WITH regional lymph node(s), NOS
550Stated as N2 with no other information on regional lymph nodesN2N1RERE
800Lymph nodes, NOSN1NOSN1RNRN
999Unknown; regional lymph nodes not stated
Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
Not documented in patient record

List of Schemas   MerkelCellPenis Schema Index