Collaborative Stage Data Set - Revised 04/11/2013 FINAL


CS Lymph Nodes Eval

CodeDescriptionStaging Basis
0Does not meet criteria for AJCC pathologic staging: 

No regional lymph nodes, satellite nodule(s) or in-transit metastases (nodules) removed for examination.  Evidence based on physical examination, imaging examination, or other non-invasive clinical evidence.  No autopsy evidence used.
1Does not meet criteria for AJCC pathologic staging based on at least one of the following criteria:

No regional lymph nodes, satellite nodule(s), or in-transit metastases (nodules) removed for examination.  Evidence based on endoscopic examination or other invasive techniques, including surgical observation without biopsy. No autopsy evidence used.
Fine needle aspiration, incisional core needle biopsy, or excisional biopsy of lymph node(s), satellite nodule(s), or in transit metastases (nodules) as part of diagnostic workup, WITHOUT removal of the primary site adequate for pathologic T classification (treatment).
2Meets criteria for AJCC pathologic staging:

No regional lymph nodes, satellite nodule(s) or in-transit metastases (nodules) removed for examination, but evidence derived from autopsy (tumor was suspected or diagnosed prior to autopsy).
3Meets criteria for AJCC pathologic staging based on at least one of the following criteria:

Any microscopic assessment of regional ndoes, satellite nodule(s), or in-transit metastases (nodules) (Including FNA, incisional core needle bipsy, excisional biopsy, sentinel node biopsy, or node resection ) WITH removal of the primary site adequate for pathologic T classification (treatment) or biopsy assessment of the highest T category.
Any microscopic assessment of satellite nodule(s) and/or regional node(s) in the highest N category regardless of the T category information.
5Does not meet criteria for AJCC y-pathologic (yp) staging: 

Regional lymph nodes, satellite nodule(s) or in-transit metastases (nodules) removed for examination AFTER neoadjuvant therapy,  AND lymph node, satellite nodule(s) or in-transit metastases (nodules) evaluation based on clinical evidence, unless the pathologic evidence at surgery (AFTER neoadjuvant) is more extensive (see code 6).
6Meets criteria for AJCC y-pathologic (yp) staging: 

Regional lymph nodes, satellite nodule(s) or in-transit metastases (nodules) removed for examination AFTER neoadjuvant therapy,  AND lymph node(s), satellite nodule(s) or in-transit metastases (nodules) evaluation based on pathological evidence, because pathologic evidence at surgery is more extensive than clinical evidence before treatment.
8Meets criteria for AJCC autopsy (a) staging: 

Evidence from autopsy; tumor was unsuspected or undiagnosed prior to autopsy.
9Unknown if lymph nodes, satellite nodule(s) or in-transit metastases (nodules ) removed for examination
Not assessed; cannot be assessed
Unknown if assessed
Not documented in patient record

List of Schemas   MerkelCellVulva Schema Index