Collaborative Stage for TNM 7 - Revised 01/21/2010  [ Schema ]


CS Site-Specific Factor 7
Surgical Resection

000None; no surgery of primary site; autopsy ONLY
010Tumor destruction, NOS
No specimen sent to pathology from surgical event 10.
020Local excision (biopsy) of tumor, lesion or mass
021Subtotal resection of tumor, lesion or mass of brain
022Resection of tumor of spinal cord or nerve
030Radical, total, gross resection of tumor, lesion or mass in brain
Less than half of lobe involved with tumor for 21 and 30.     
Specimen sent to pathology from surgical event 20, 21, 22
040Partial resection of lobe of brain
055Gross total resection of lobe of brain (lobectomy)
Tumor involves more than half of lobe for 40, 55; not used for nerve or spinal cord primary.
090Surgery, NOS
988Not applicable:
Information not collected for this case
999Unknown if surgery performed; death certificate ONLY
Not documented in patient record