Collaborative Stage for TNM 7 - Revised 12/31/2009  [ Schema ]


CS Site-Specific Factor 5
Number of Positive Para-Aortic Nodes

000All para-aortic lymph nodes examined are negative
001-0891-89 para-aortic lymph nodes are positive. (Code exact number of nodes positive)
09090 or more para-aortic lymph nodes are positive
095Positive aspiration or core biopsy of para-aortic lymph node(s) was performed
097Positive para-aortic lymph nodes are documented, but the number is unspecified
098No para-aortic lymph nodes were examined
See code 988
Not applicable for this site
988Not applicable:  Information not collected for this case
(May include cases converted from code 888 used in CSv1 for "Not applicable" or when the item was not collected.  If this item is required to derive T, N, M, or any stage, use of code 988 may result in an error.)
999It is unknown whether para-aortic lymph nodes are positive; not applicable;
not stated in patient record