Collaborative Stage for TNM 7 - Revised 02/03/2010
Cornea, Retina, Choroid, Ciliary Body (Iris, Lens, Sclera, Uveal Tract), Eyeball, Overlapping and Other Eye [Excluding Melanoma and Retinoblastoma]
C69.1-C69.4, C69.8-C69.9
- C69.1 Cornea, NOS
- C69.2 Retina
- C69.3 Choroid
- C69.4 Ciliary body
- C69.8 Overlapping lesion of eye and adnexa
- C69.9 Eye, NOS
- Note 1: Laterality must be coded for this site.
- Note 2: AJCC does not define TNM staging for this site.
- Note 3: AJCC includes primary site C69.8 (Overlapping lesions of eye and adnexa) in its chapter 46, Sarcoma of the Orbit. Collaborative Staging excludes melanomas and retinoblastomas from this schema. All other histologies are included with this schema.