Collaborative Stage for TNM 7 - Revised 12/16/2009  [ Schema ]


CS Site-Specific Factor 18
Isolated Tumor Cells (ITCs) in Regional Lymph Node(s)

000Regional lymph nodes negative on routine H and E,  no IHC studies for ITCs done (CK20, CAM5.2, pancytokeratins) or unknown if IHC studies done   
Nodes clinically negative, not examined pathologically
010Regional lymph nodes negative on routine H and E, IHC studies done (CK20, CAM5.2, pancytokeratins) and ITCs NOT PRESENT
020Regional lymph nodes negative on routine H and E,  IHC studies done (CK20, CAM5.2, pancytokeratins) and ITCs (tumor cell clusters not greater than 0.2mm) PRESENT
090Regional lymph nodes negative on routine H and E, positive for tumor detected by IHC, size of tumor cell clusters or metastases not stated
100Regional lymph nodes positive with ITCs on routine H and E
200Regional lymph nodes positive with ITCs, NOS, method of detection not stated
300Regional lymph nodes positive other than ITCs (tumor cells greater than 0.2 mm)
988Not applicable:
Information not collected for this case
999Unknown or no information
Not documented in pathology report or patient record