Collaborative Stage for TNM 7 - Revised 09/24/2009 [ Schema ]
Code | Description | TNM 7 Map | TNM 6 Map | SS77 Map | SS2000 Map |
000 | In situ; non-invasive PanIn III Pancreatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia III Stated as Tis, NOS | Tis | Tis | IS | IS |
100 | Confined to pancreas | ^ | * | L | L |
150 | Stated as T1, NOS with no other information on extension | ^ | * | L | L |
200 | Stated as T2, NOS with no other information on extension | ^ | * | L | L |
300 | Localized, NOS | ^ | * | L | L |
400 | Extension to peripancreatic tissue, NOS Fixation to adjacent structures, NOS | T3 | T3 | RE | RE |
420 | Stated as T3, NOS | T3 | T3 | RE | RE |
440 | Duodenum | T3 | T3 | RE | RE |
480 | Ampulla of Vater Extrahepatic bile duct(s) | T3 | T3 | RE | RE |
500 | Spleen | T3 | T3 | RE | RE |
560 | Blood vessel(s): Hepatic artery Portal vein Splenic artery/vein Superior mesenteric vein Splenic flexure of colon | T3 | T3 | RE | RE |
570 | Kidney, NOS Left adrenal (suprarenal) gland Left kidney Left ureter | T3 | T3 | RE | D |
580 | Mesenteric fat Mesentery Mesocolon Peritoneum | T3 | T3 | RE | D |
590 | Retroperitoneal soft tissue (retroperitoneal space) | T3 | T3 | D | D |
600 | Tumor is inseparable from the celiac axis or superior mesenteric artery Aorta Celiac artery Superior mesenteric artery | T4 | T4 | RE | RE |
620 | Stomach | T4 | T4 | RE | RE |
700 | [(600) or (620)] + [(570) or (580)] | T4 | T4 | RE | D |
710 | Ileum Jejunum | T4 | T4 | RE | D |
730 | Gallbladder Liver (including porta hepatis) | T4 | T4 | RE | D |
750 | (590) + any of [(600) or (620) or (710) or (730)] | T4 | T4 | D | D |
770 | Colon (other than splenic flexure) | T4 | T4 | D | D |
780 | Diaphragm Right adrenal (suprarenal) gland Right kidney Right ureter | T4 | T4 | D | D |
790 | Stated as T4, NOS | T4 | T4 | D | D |
800 | Further contiguous extension | T4 | T4 | D | D |
950 | No evidence of primary tumor | T0 | T0 | U | U |
999 | Unknown extension Primary tumor cannot be assessed Not documented in patient record | TX | TX | U | U |